Buttocks Augmentation Brazil
Bioplasty for buttock augmentation can reshape, increase the volume, and lift the gluteus. The results are that of more harmonious buttocks, with the desired shape and volume, and a better and perkier appearance. Candidates for the Brazilian Butt Lift include those with flattened buttocks or small glutes that are disproportionate in regards to corporal harmony.
Trochanteric depressions (on the sides of the buttock) are other unfavorable aspects of the female glutes that can be easily filled through the use of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) – liquid implant used for bioplasty. This makes the overall look of the bottom more round and feminine.
Material for the procedure for increase of the glúteos with the Bioplasty of the glúteos:
antiseptic solution
pen for demarcation
poker cable
he/she holes for us to perforate the access for the microcânulas
anesthetic - as xilocaína 2% without vasoconstritor
stem for anesthesia
pistol Injetora
microcânula 50x09
PMMA 30% (very larger amounts - about 80-150 ml. for glúteos), for this procedure it would be more appropriate the acquisition of PMMA in syringes of 3 ml.
As the Bioplasty of the glúteos (buttocks augmentation) is accomplished
cleaning of the skin of the glúteos
With the seating patient and straight column we make one of the demarcations in the support line.
we numbered each glúteo inside with 4 quadrants of the demarcation with the mold
Antisepsis of the place
Placement of sterile fields
Each glúteo will be introduced the microcânula by a single minimum hole without sangramentos nor need of curatives, it works as an injection!!! This microcânula possesses a tip atraumática that doesn't allow lesion of the vasculo-nervous bunch.
The anesthesia for the accomplishment of the Bioplasty of the glúteos is accomplished with the stem of Nácul introducing a tubete of local anesthetic in each quadrant, or still a solution of Klein numbered to order the procedure.
After anesthesia we introduced the microcânula 50X09 with PMMA to 30% in the point N in each glúteo.
The amount of liquid implant for the Bioplasty of the glúteos varies according to indication, for great amounts we accomplished the procedure in stages, a reasonable amount for first application is among 80 - 150 ml. for glúteo, divided equally for each quadrant.
The Bioplasty of the glúteos, provides an excellent definitive and homogeneous result, without operative and painless powders, the patient is awake during the whole Bioplasty of the glúteos, the increase glúteo feels for the implantation for microcânulas atraumáticas of Polimetilmetacrilato, definitive implant that increases the volume of the glúteo (bum bum) in minutes. Come to accomplish the Bioplasty of the glúteos.
The Bioplasty of the glúteos is a safe procedure and no surgical, where we received here in Brazil patient of several places of the world that you/they dream about a clang more led with a harmonicer format. This procedure has also been accomplished in many men that try to improve the harmony of the glúteo.
buttocks augmentation Brazil Medical Tourism Brazil Bioplasty
Discover ArteFill®, the first and only FDA-approved non-resorbable injectable wrinkle filler for the correction of facial wrinkles known as smile lines.
Finally, there's a simple, in-office procedure that answers the demand for immediate, enduring wrinkle correction.
If you have previously used temporary dermal fillers such as Restylane®, JuvedermT, Radiesse® and SculptraT, then you know they are eventually absorbed by the body and require frequent repeat injections to maintain correction.
ArteFill is different. The unique PMMA microspheres in ArteFill are not absorbed by the body and provide the permanent support your skin needs for long-lasting wrinkle correction.
Buttocks Augmentation Brazil - bioplasty
With the bioplasty we can make the buttocks augmentation whithout cuts, we can give the shape of them, augmenting and remodeling the buttocks. Many indications of application of the bioplasty in the buttocks exist, as flattened format, small glúteos, desproporcional in the corporal harmony. Depression (in the lateral of the buttocks) is aspect that is ugly in a feminine glúteo, being able to be easily filled with use of polymethylmetacrylate (implantation that we use in the bioplasty), becoming it thus a more feminine and rounded off buttocks.
As the bioplasty for buttocks augmentation is carried through
1. cleanness of the skin
2. With the seated patient and column straight, we make oneline of the markings in the support line.
3. we inside number each butt with 4 quadrants of the marking with the mold.
4. Antisepsis of the place (buttocks)
Each buttocks will be introduced whith microcannula. Microcannulas are used, which are specifically designed to minimize the risks of injury to tissues, for an only minimum orifice without bleeds nor necessity of dressings, functions as an injection!
The bioplasty for buttocks augmentation, provides excellent resulted a definitive one and homogeneous, without painless and, the patient is waked up during all the bioplasty of the buttocks, the increase if she gives for the implantation for no traumatic microcannulas of Polymetylmetacrylate, definitive implantation that increases the volume of the buttocks (bum bum) in minutes. Buttocks augmentation whith bioplasty is a safe and not surgical procedure, where we receive here in Brazil patient of diverse localities of the world that dream of one buttocks better with a more harmonic format. This procedure also has been carried through in many men whom they look to improve the harmony of the buttocks.
Bioplasty is one technique of infiltrative liquid implantation being carried through under local anesthesia for buttocks augmentation, muscular groups, increase of legs, correction of nose, face, wrinkle and depressions. The product usually used is the PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate microspheres)a product that is accepted biologically and that has been used in medicine since 1945, being this an implantation with definitive result. The patient folloies all the procedure that is carried without any cuts and without the need of sutures, through a no traumatic special microcannula (she does not allow to injury of the beam vascular and nerve).
Bioplasty more information;
Cheek Bioplasty Buttocks Augmentation Jaw Line Bioplasty Nose Bioplasty Bioplasty Calf Chin bioplasty Breastplate Bioplasty Shoulder Bioplasty Lips Bioplasty Hands Bioplasty Bioplasty for Wrinkle correction Pectoral Bioplasty Our Clinic Team Bioplasty Plastic Surgery Bioplasty (Fillers) Cheek Bioplasty Buttocks Augmentation Jaw Line Bioplasty Nose Bioplasty Bioplasty Calf chin Bioplasty Facial and Corporal Fillers Shoulder Bioplasty Lips Bioplasty Hands Bioplasty
Bioplasty for Wrinkle correction Pectoral Bioplasty Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgery performed on eyelids Blepharoplasty Plastic Surgery performed on the nose (nose job) Rhinoplasty Facial Plastic Surgery Facelift Plastic Surgery performed on the ears Otoplasty Mini Facelift Chin Augmentation - Mentoplasty Breast Augmentation - Silicone gel prosthetics Breast Reconstruction and Breast Cancer Breast Reduction Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck Mastopexy or breast lift Lipoabdominoplasty Mammary asymmetry Post Morbid Obesity: correction of body contours Scar Tissue Gynecomastia Liposuction - liposculpture Skin Cancer
Maison LEGERBioplasty, Aesthetic Medicine, Lazer, Day Spa and Plastic Surgery
Guimarães Rosa Street, 155 Boa Vista Neighborhood Porto Alegre - RS - BRAZIL Fone/Fax: 55 (51) 3012 4070 / 3012 4071mail - contato@esteticas.com.br msn - maison_leger@hotmail.com
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Guimarães Rosa Street, 155 Boa Vista Neighborhood Porto Alegre - RS - BRAZIL Fone/Fax: 55 (51) 3012 4070 / 3012 4071mail - contato@esteticas.com.br msn - maison_leger@hotmail.com
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Clínica LEGER Aesthetic MedicineMoinhos de Vento
Dr. Timóteo Street, 794 Moinhos de Vento NeighborhoodPorto Alegre - RS - BRAZIL Fone/Fax: 55 (51) 3024 4864 / 3024 4869mail - mailto:contato@esteticas.com.brmsn - clinica_leger@hotmail.com
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